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PRP/PRF Triggers Natural Regenerative Abilities

Your body is capable of a number of impressive feats, and recent advancements in cosmetics have led us to a method by which we can harness your body’s natural regenerative abilities to create a number of impressive outcomes. Platelet-rich plasma (also known as PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (or PRF, for short) are two compounds that can be created using your very own blood. Both PRF and PRP are packed with growth factors that, when injected into key areas of the body or face, can go to work helping you rejuvenate your look from the inside out.

This procedure can be performed alone or in conjunction with our other aesthetic procedures, helping you enjoy truly comprehensive rejuvenation in ways that weren’t previously possible. Reach out to Integrated Aesthetics to learn more about how we can help you enjoy incredible cosmetic results through PRF and PRP injections in Spring, TX. 

  • Average Cost: $800+ per session
  • Typical Recovery Period: No Downtime
  • Discomfort Level: Relatively Mild
  • Anesthesia Options: Vary
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All About Platelet-Rich Plasma

PRP treatment involves Platelet-Rich Plasma injections derived from your own blood. The treatment has been used in sports medicine as well as regenerative medicine. PRP is commonly seen as part of the “Vampire Facelift” to boost collagen production and accelerate new skin cell turnover. Platelet-Rich Plasma injections can also treat eye bags and under-eye dark circles and combat hair loss, in addition to being able to increase penis size and sensation.

Which Complementary Procedures Pair Well with PRP and PRF Treatments?

Your Personal PRP/PRF Consultation

Before your regenerative treatments, you will meet with Dr. Cho or Dr. Chiang to learn about your options. He will discuss your goals and your concerns and make a treatment recommendation. He will also determine if you are a good candidate for other regenerative treatments.

Comprehensive Results with PRP/PRF

PRP therapy can be injected along with other cosmetic procedures like microneedling or energy-based treatments such as laser resurfacing and radiofrequency microneedling, dermal fillers, and fat grafting.  

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The Benefits of PRP and PRF

Interested in learning more about how PRF and PRP injections in Spring, TX, can help you? Schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Cho and Dr. Chiang to see if this treatment is right for you. Our consultation will help educate you about the advanced benefits of these treatments and how they help with facial rejuvenation. 

Here are just a few of the reasons our patients love PRP and PRF injections:

  • PRP can regenerate your skin and help heal injuries.
  • The plasma in PRP comes from your own body, so there is little risk of a negative reaction.
  • The side effects of PRP therapy are mild.

The Five Rs of Facial Rejuvenation

Our signature approach to full facial rejuvenation, coined the “The Five Rs to Facial Rejuvenation,” is designed to globally address the signs of aging and achieve long-lasting results. Each R works together to restore different layers of the face using a combination of surgical and non-surgical procedures. This advanced method includes relaxing muscles, replenishing lost volume, restoring the skin, repositioning the tissues, and reducing facial volume.

R1 – Relax Muscles

We help to relax the muscles and smooth out the appearance of wrinkles by addressing the forehead, crow’s feet, frown lines, masseter lines, chin, and lip lines with muscle relaxer treatments like Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, and Daxxi. Muscle relaxers also help to reduce migraines, excessive sweating and gummy smiles.

R2 – Replenish Lost Volume

Whether you have volume loss from weight loss or due to the aging process, we can help replenish the volume and contour the face with fillers like Juvéderm, Restylane, RHA, Sculptra, or Radiesse. When combining relaxation of the muscles (R1) with replenishing lost volume (R2) it can make a tremendous difference. We can enhance your results when using R2 in combination with volume reduction techniques (R5), repositioning of the tissue (R4), and restoring the skin (R3).

R3 – Restore the Skin

At Integrated Aesthetics, we offer a robust portfolio of skin resurfacing and tightening devices to help improve the texture, health, and appearance of your skin. Depending on whether the focus is improving discoloration, pore size, fine lines, or mild skin laxity, we offer different options that target different skin concerns.

R4 – Reposition the Tissue

As we get older, our tissues start to sag down. Anything we can do to reposition the tissue can help give you a more lifted appearance. Surgically, we can do a facelift (mini, full, or extended) or neck lift. On the minimally invasive side, we can use threads like Silhouette InstaLift, PDO threads, or MyEllevate to internally lift and reposition the tissues.

R5 – Reduce Facial Volume

Sometimes, instead of having volume lost as we age, we develop excess fullness. It can be fullness under our chin (double chin) or in the jowl area. If we reduce the fullness in the double chin region, it’s also going to help define the transition from the lower face to the neck. This can be done with procedures that either dissolve the fat (Kybella), tighten or melt the fatty tissue (AccuTite), remove the fat (Liposuction), or even freeze the fat (CoolSculpting).

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Revolutionary EZPRF: Natural Skin Rejuvenation Solution

Platelets and white blood cells are pivotal sources of growth factors crucial for the rejuvenation process. The plasma, primarily composed of water and proteins, plays a vital role in creating the ultimate blood concentration. Enter EZPRF, an autologous blood concentrate that's 100% natural, devoid of additives and chemicals, and brimming with potent cells designed for skin rejuvenation. EZPRF harnesses Platelet-Rich Fibrin from your whole blood sample. The EZPRF process involves isolating your own regenerative cells through a meticulous and brief centrifugation procedure. These cells are then utilized to enhance the skin.

What sets EZPRF apart from traditional PRP? This second-generation concentrate stands out by eliminating the need for additives or coagulants to unlock your body's innate healing properties. Leveraging state-of-the-art technologies, EZPRF maximizes the body's natural response without compromising its environment. The result is a concentrate enriched with abundant platelets and enduring growth factors, ensuring optimal stimulation and delivering unparalleled results for your skin rejuvenation needs.

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Crafting Your PRP/PRF Treatment Plan

When you visit us for your consultation, Dr. Young Cho and Dr. Melissa Chiang will get to know your personal cosmetic goals while also learning about your physical characteristics and lifestyle. This information will help them craft a tailored treatment plan that sees you enjoying your ideal results in a way that best aligns with your personal schedule. It’ll also give us the ability to offer you alternative and complementary procedures, as we pride ourselves on our ability to offer patients an integrated approach to cosmetics.

We’ll also take the time to walk you through every step of your treatment experience, answering any questions you might have and doing our best to ensure that you know exactly what you can expect. PRP and PRF can be applied to a number of different treatment modalities and can be utilized to create an impressive range of results, so we’ll be sure to explore the full potential of these treatment choices during your consultation. In order to prepare for the best results, we'll ask you to avoid aspirin and ibuprofen the week before your treatment. 

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The Day of Your PRP/PRF Treatment

PRP injections are prepared by extracting your own blood and centrifuging it to separate the platelet-rich component, which contains growth factors that help to heal wounds and regenerate your tissue. The PRF or PRP will then be isolated and injected into the tissues in need of regeneration.

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Your Recovery Period
after PRP or PRF

After your PRP injections in Spring, TX, you will be instructed to drink plenty of water for a week. You should avoid taking a shower for six hours and avoid temperature changes. You should avoid putting makeup, lotions, and creams on the injected area for six hours after treatment. Your doctor will also likely instruct you to avoid alcohol and cigarettes for three days before and three days after your PRP injections. You may also be instructed to avoid anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

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Do you offer alternative procedures?

What else do I need to know?

Do you offer alternative procedures?

There are no other procedures that work in a similar fashion to PRP and PRF to accelerate and harness the body's own growth factors and wound-healing capacity.

What else do I need to know?

  • You may experience mild tenderness or inflammation at the PRP injection site for a few hours after your treatment.
  • Your results will not be permanent, so you will need to work with us to schedule maintenance treatments.
  • In rare cases, some patients can experience nerve injury or tissue damage.

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Trust the Experts for PRP and PRF

Integrated Aesthetics is led by husband and wife team Dr. Melissa Chiang and Dr. Young Cho. Together they offer more than 40 years of combined experience, and are ready to help you explore the various treatment options that are on offer at Integrated Aesthetics. We're proud to offer our patients a truly integrated approach to cosmetics, and are excited to become your final destination for head-to-toe rejuvenation.

To learn more, reach out to The Woodlands or Spring, TX offices and set up your consultation today.

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At Integrated Aesthetics, we offer our clients many ways to accomplish their goals with us through custom treatment plans and special offers. View our Specials

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