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What is a Turkey Neck?

Sagging, wrinkled skin on the neck, often dubbed “turkey neck,” is a common and unattractive sign of aging. The condition occurs when your skin starts to lose its elasticity and the muscles in your neck begin to weaken. The skin loses its ability to stay tight and stretch, giving your neck an appearance that looks similar to a turkey’s wattle.

There are many treatments, both non-surgical and surgical, that can address your turkey neck and give you a more youthful look. You may decide to try non-invasive treatments such as injectables and outpatient non-surgical neck lift procedures before opting for a surgical neck lift. You can schedule a private consultation with Dr. Cho at Integrated Aesthetics to find out which customized combination of treatments is right for your concerns.

Causes of Turkey Neck

Loss of skin elasticity and the development of neck bands contribute to a turkey neck. A family history can give you a predisposition of developing to the condition, and the natural aging process is a common cause. Also, the lack of oil glands can cause dryness that may accelerate the aging process.

Preventing Turkey Neck

A broad-spectrum moisturizer or sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more can help combat the sun damage and dry skin that can lead to a turkey neck. It is a good idea to extend your face cream to your neck to counteract the effects of aging. Face and neck creams with plant extracts or retinol may help prevent turkey neck. If these measures do not produce the results you are looking for, Dr. Cho can recommend an effective and long-lasting treatment for a more youthful looking neck.

Treatment Options for Sagging Neck Skin

Some nonsurgical neck lift procedures will give you immediate skin tightening results but may require multiple or recurring treatments. A surgical neck lift is a “one and done” procedure with long-lasting outcomes. Dr. Cho will recommend a combination of procedures to customize your treatment and optimize your results.

Non-Surgical Neck Lift Options

  • Injectable Neuromodulators like BOTOX and Dysport relax your vertical neck bands to give your neck a smoother appearance for 3-6 months.
  • Dermal fillers like Restylane, Sculptra and Radiesse can increase the production of collagen and address crepey looking skin. 
  • Ultherapy uses ultrasound energy too treat sagging neck skin by heating tissue under the skin surface to stimulate the production of collagen.
  • Sofwave uses ultrasound technology to produce collagen and tighten the skin of the face and neck.
  • FaceTite can tighten your neck skin and give you a more youthful appearance using radiotherapy. The doctor may combine the procedure with liposuction for an RFAL (radiofrequency-assisted liposuction) procedure.
  • Kybella uses injections to dissolve fat cells.
  • CoolSculpting can freeze and destroy smaller pockets of fat. Many doctors use a CoolSculpting attachment called a CoolMini to target small areas on the neck and under the chin.
  • Laser Resurfacing triggers the body’s natural healing response by heating up lower layers of skin. The regenerated skin will show improved tone and texture.
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Surgical Neck Lift Options

A surgical neck lift can rejuvenate your neck and improve the contours of your chin and jawline, including a double chin. The procedure requires general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, depending on the technique. It is often performed along with a surgical facelift.

For permanent fat reduction in the neck area, liposuction is performed under general or local anesthesia. Dr. Cho will place small incisions on each side of your neck or under your chin. Fat cells are loosened and removed using a suction tube known as a cannula. Your neck lift results will last for years, unlike non-surgical options that may require multiple sessions and offer more temporary results. The MyEllevate Jawline Contouring procedure is also a minimally invasive technique that enables us to sculpt your ideal chin and jawline.

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