The facial fat transfer technique enables us to utilize your body’s own cells to restore volume and lift areas of your face, addressing lines, wrinkles, and lost volume with exciting results.
Facial Fat Transfer: Next-Generation Facial Rejuvenation
A facial fat transfer uses your body’s own fat cells to restore volume in targeted areas on your face, addressing some of the most common signs of facial aging and generally creating a more youthful look. The procedure can improve sunken cheeks and hollow areas under the eyes while also smoothing over “marionette lines” around your nose and mouth, plumping thin lips, and improving the appearance of pitted facial scars.
The best part? Facial fat transfer can be a “two-in-one” procedure. In most cases, a modest amount of fat is harvested from a donor area using liposuction, but patients can request a more contoured appearance by removing additional unwanted fatty tissue in the donor area.
To learn more about how facial fat transfer can benefit you, reach out to us at our Spring, TX location and speak with a member of our team to set up your initial consultation today.