Tummy Tuck: Your Ticket to a Toned Abdomen

The abdominoplasty, commonly known as the tummy tuck, is a procedure that flattens the tummy and repairs stretched abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck is a relatively extensive surgical procedure and is frequently performed after pregnancy or significant weight loss. Dr. Young Cho or Dr. Mihail Climov in The Woodlands and Spring, TX, performs abdominoplasty for women and men who desire a flatter, firmer midsection.

  • Average Cost: $9,600 to $13,450
  • Typical Recovery Period: Six Weeks
  • Discomfort Level: High
  • Anesthesia Options: Local, General, or IV Sedation
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Discover a Slimmer Look with Abdominoplasty

Fluctuations in your body weight and the aging process can both cause your abdominal tissues to stretch, leaving a protruding tummy, loose skin, and weakened abdominal muscles that may have a negative impact on your self-image or keep you from feeling you’re most confidence in situations like a visit to the beach.

Abdominoplasty surgery, commonly known as a tummy tuck, can address these issues and give you a toned look in the abdominal area. A tummy tuck removes excess abdominal skin and fat and tightens the abdominal muscles. After a tummy tuck, you will have a flatter abdomen, tighter abdominal skin, visible muscle tone, and a naturally curved silhouette that you’ll be excited to show off.

If you’d like to learn more about the tummy tuck and how it can benefit you, contact us at our Spring, TX, location and speak with a member of our team to set up your consultation today.

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What are Complementary Procedures
For Your Tummy Tuck in Spring, TX?

During your consultation, we’ll work with you to explore the various ways that we can create truly comprehensive results. Here at Integrated Aesthetics in The Woodlands and Spring, TX, we offer our patients over 60 treatment options, giving us the ability to create precise outcomes that are bespoke to your personal goals.

Some people choose to have liposuction to sculpt the waist and the flanks along with their tummy tuck. Others will extend the liposuction to the back, enhancing their waistline and adding even more definition to their upper body curves. This is an ideal way to enjoy a comprehensive slimming and toning of the abdominal region.

Some patients also consider sculpting other areas like breasts, arms, and thighs in order to consolidate their recovery periods. Patients can also take advantage of the anesthesia and recovery process to address aesthetic concerns of their face or consider vaginal rejuvenation procedures at the same time.

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Why Our Patients Love the Tummy Tuck

  • You will have a trimmer waistline and a smoother, firmer abdomen. 
  • A tummy tuck will reduce or remove stretch marks from pregnancy and abdominal scars. 
  • A tummy tuck increases the strength and stability of your abdominal core.
  • You will see improvement in urinary incontinence and low back pain.

How Should You Prepare for Your Tummy Tuck?

Before your tummy tuck in The Woodlands, our surgeons, Dr. Cho or Dr. Climov, will evaluate your physical characteristics and medical history to determine your suitability for this particular procedure. They may ask about any cardiac conditions, previous abdominal surgeries, and other important health information before making any recommendation about a procedure.

Together, you will decide whether you will have a full tummy tuck, a mini tummy tuck, a floating belly button approach, an extended tummy tuck, a reverse tummy tuck, or a “corsetplasty.” He will explain each procedural technique and be sure to give you pre-and post-operative instructions. His extensive surgical expertise enables him to utilize a number of techniques for your ideal results.

If you are scheduled to proceed with surgery, Dr. Cho or Dr. Climov will give you specific instructions for preparation, including medications to avoid and considerations for your recovery period. A tummy tuck surgery requires an incision across the lower abdomen, which allows Dr. Cho or Dr. Climov to remove loose skin and tissue while repairing the stretched abdominal muscles.

Choosing the Ideal Tummy Tuck Technique

During your consultation in The Woodlands and Spring, TX, you will discuss your goals and cosmetic desires with Dr. Cho or Dr. Climov. Once they’ve examined you physically, they’ll help you decide on the type of tummy tuck that will create your ideal results and leave you excited to show off your new figure. 

The Full Tummy Tuck

A full tummy tuck or abdominoplasty removes skin from above the navel down to the pubic area. Your muscles will be tightened, and Dr. Cho or Dr. Climov may also use liposuction to contour the abdomen. A full tummy tuck can be ideal after pregnancy or massive weight loss. 

Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck addresses laxity and protrusion below the navel, with an incision line that is easily hidden after surgery. It is generally recommended for people who are in fairly good shape and have minimal aesthetic concerns with their skin or appearance above the navel.

Floating Belly Button Tuck

A floating belly button tummy tuck is a hybrid between the mini tummy tuck and the traditional tummy tuck approach and is ideal for someone who would benefit from muscle tightening, fat reduction, and skin tightening/reduction but who does not want to have an incision around the navel. During this procedure, the navel is taken off its insertion on the abdominal muscles. Dr. Cho or Dr. Climov will tighten your muscles before reattaching the belly button to the abdominal muscles in a slightly lower position. 

Extended Tuck

An extended tummy tuck addresses excess skin in the hips or love handles with a slightly longer incision for those with excess skin after pregnancy or weight loss. Depending on the amount of skin excess, the incision may be extended onto part of the back. When it is connected all the way around the truck, the procedure is referred to as a lower body lift.

Reverse Tummy Tuck

A reverse tummy tuck is often combined with a breast procedure and involves making the incision along the entirety of the breast fold on both sides.  Often, the two breastfold incisions are connected in the midline.  This incision allows for the abdominal tissue to be pulled in the ‘reverse’ upward direction and addresses primarily the excess skin and tissue above the belly button.  There is no meaningful muscle tightening, but the procedure is often combined with liposuction to contour the abdomen further.  

Corset Tummy Tuck

This procedure not only removes excess skin but also removes additional unwanted tissue on the vertical plane, resulting in the most dramatic possible results. The resulting scars include an incision under the breast fold, one that runs vertically down the middle of the abdomen, and a lower horizontal incision beneath the underwear line.

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Your Tummy Tuck Surgical Experience in The Woodlands

The tummy tuck surgery can last approximately one to five hours, depending on the type of tummy tuck you will be receiving. Before your procedure, Dr. Cho or Dr. Climov will explain your surgery to you in detail, going over the technique they’ll be using, explaining where incisions will be made, and giving you a clear idea of what you can expect from post-surgical scarring.

What is Recovery Like After a Tummy Tuck?

Immediately following your tummy tuck in The Woodlands and Spring, TX, the surgical site will be wrapped in gauze and a loose elastic garment. Very commonly, Dr. Cho or Dr. Climov may use nerve blocks to help with postoperative discomfort, and he will encourage early ambulation to decrease the risk of blood clots. Medications will be prescribed to help manage postoperative discomfort. In many cases, special surgical drains are necessary but will typically be removed within the first week to two weeks. 

Sutures are designed to dissolve over time, and your first follow-up appointment will be scheduled within the first few days of your recovery period. Your total recovery time will be about six weeks, but you may need to wear a compression garment for several weeks beyond that time. Most patients can drive and/or return to a desk job environment after two weeks (or even sooner if they work from home).

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Tummy Tuck FAQ

What else do I need to know?

Are there risks I need to know about?

How much does a consultation with Dr. Cho cost?

What else do I need to know?

  • Abdominoplasty is major surgery with a relatively long recovery period.
  • You will have a permanent but hidden scar.
  • You may need revision surgery.
  • The surgery is costly, and insurance will not likely cover the procedure.

Are there risks I need to know about?

Most patients experience only minor side effects from tummy tuck surgery, such as swelling, bruising, and temporary numbness of the incision site. However, a tummy tuck is a major surgery, and complications such as blood clots, wound healing complications, and infections are possible.

How much does a consultation with Dr. Cho cost?

Your consultation with Dr. Cho will cost $175, which can be applied to the cost of your surgery, should you decide to move forward with us.

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Why Choose Dr. Young Cho for Your Tummy Tuck in The Woodlands? 

Dr. Young Cho, MD, FACS, is a board-certified and fellowship-trained plastic surgeon who offers more than 20 years of surgical experience. He’s used this time to earn himself a reputation for excellence in The Woodlands and Spring, TX areas, thanks to his deeply held commitment to quality. He works closely with each of his patients and will ensure that you’re as educated as possible when it comes to exactly what we can accomplish for you here at Integrated Aesthetics.

Ready to start your life-affirming cosmetic journey? Reach out to our team and set up your initial consultation today.

Learn More About Dr. Cho

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