
Cosmetic Procedures for Men
Like many women, many men pay attention to how they look and form personal goals to keep themselves active, engaged, and looking their best. As such, plastic surgery for men has become increasingly popular. In addition to our other offerings, we provide the following aesthetic services for our male patients.
Male Enhancement and Penis Enlargement
It’s common for men to be bothered by the size, thickness, or overall appearance of their penis, but several aesthetic options are available for enhancement and enlargement. When consulting with Dr. Cho, he may recommend a combination of Penis Enlargement Treatments for optimal results. For men wishing to increase their confidence with a bigger, thicker version themselves, these options include:
Dermal Fillers
Penile enhancement with dermal fillers restores confidence levels, creating a more symmetrical appearance. Dermal filler injections are safe and non-invasive and have already been proven to enhance cheeks and chins with volume and suppleness. This treatment can increase the girth of the erect and flaccid penis with instantly noticeable results lasting up to two years. And while this enlargement procedure is done while the patient is conscious, Dr. Cho will use a combination of topical and local anesthesia to reduce any pain during the process.
Fat Transfer
Similar to facial fat transfer, using the body’s fat supply will help patients increase the size of their penis with a natural filler. Excess fat is removed from a donor site, such as the thighs or stomach. Once removed, Dr. Cho will inject the fat cells into the penis to help increase the overall size.
Ligament Transection
A penis enlargement by ligament transection increases the length and external projection of the penis when flaccid. It is important to note that it does not increase penis size, and it does not alter the appearance of the erect penis.
During this procedure, Dr. Cho will alter ligaments within the penis, causing it to lengthen and lay closer to the body. Results are immediately visible and progress for six months.
P-shot & Zwave
The P-Shot is an experimental treatment that increases the blood flow to the penis and is considered a lasting and effective solution for erectile dysfunction. The Priapus Shot is the most popular type of P-Shot, named for the Greek deity of sexual health, and can also increase penis size. It works by placing more PRF in the base or head of the penis, so you notice increased sexual sensation and pleasure.
The Zwave is a non-invasive procedure that uses radial pulse therapy to tighten and firm the skin, stimulate new collagen production, and increase blood circulation.

Gynecomastia refers to enlarged male breasts. It is a relatively common condition that can be addressed by a surgical procedure commonly referred to as a male breast reduction. Excess fatty tissue is removed, generally with liposuction, but surgical excision may also be used to remove excess tissue and skin.
Dr. Young Cho offers expertise and a reputation for surgical excellence, giving you a more toned, sculpted, and masculine appearance. Skin tightening and collagen remodeling are nonsurgical options that provide a firmer, more supple look and feel.