Eliminating Frustrating Thigh Fat

If you have tried diet and exercise to get rid of body fat to no avail, you are not alone. Women, especially, often have a problem eliminating excess fat from their thighs. Men and women carry body fat differently, and many women store fat in their upper legs. Fat tissue collects on the front of the thigh, making it difficult to achieve a contoured look even if you are at your optimum weight.

Fortunately, there are many cosmetic treatments that can help solve the problem of excess thigh fat, such as liposuction. Cosmetic procedures are not substitutes for a healthy lifestyle with a good diet and regular exercise. But when you have done the hard work to lose weight, there are treatments that can help you get rid of stubborn fat in your thighs and meet your aesthetic objectives.

Causes of Thigh Fat

The tendency to put on weight in your thighs can be the result of a genetic predisposition. Women typically store fat on their upper legs more often than men. A poor diet, consuming too much alcohol, a lack of exercise and poor sleep habits can also contribute to weight gain and excess fat in your thighs. The stress hormone cortisol can impact your metabolism and cause your body to retain excess fat.

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Preventing Thigh Fat

If you are concerned with preventing unattractive, heavy thighs, improve your diet by avoiding fatty foods, refined carbohydrates and sugar as well as alcoholic drinks which may contain sugar. Aerobic exercise and strength training can help. Avoiding smoking, improving your sleep habits and reducing stress are all preventive measures to avoid excess body fat.

The best candidates for body contouring procedures to reduce stubborn fat in the thighs have a healthy lifestyle including a good diet and enough exercise, but they need help getting rid of stubborn pockets of fat through surgical or nonsurgical procedures.

Treatment Options for Thigh Fat

There are several procedures that can give your thighs a more contoured appearance. Dr. Cho or Dr. Climov at Integrated Aesthetics will evaluate your situation and listen to your concerns to create a customized treatment plan for you.

These are some of the popular treatment options that treat thigh fat.

  • Liposuction is a highly effective surgical procedure that removes fat from your thighs and other areas of your body. The treatment gives you a more immediate and dramatic outcome than you would get with nonsurgical procedures.
  • CoolSculpting freezes your fat cells and destroys them. They are then eliminated by your body over the next 2-4 months.
  • BodyTite is a minimally invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency energy (RF) to tighten loose and sagging skin, firm tissue and remove fat.
  • EmTone is a non-surgical solution that utilizes advanced waves of both thermal and mechanical energy to create a more sculpted, muscular appearance.
  • EmSculpt Neo is a minimally invasive body contouring procedure that utilizes radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) to create impressive results.
  • Exilis Ultra 360 utilizes highly advanced waves of radiofrequency and ultrasound energy to tighten and firm tissues in the treatment area.
  • Sofwave is a uniquely advanced body contouring treatment that we’re excited to offer here at Integrated Aesthetics.

Shrink, Tighten, and Tone
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Join us for an exciting in-person event, Shrink, Tighten, and Tone - Powered by InMode, where we introduce the latest advancements in aesthetic treatments and cutting-edge technology coming to our practice that are designed to help you look and feel your best!

Thursday, October 17, 2024
‘Lunch and Learn’ (12PM -1PM) and Happy Hour (4-7PM)

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