Say Goodbye to Your Flat Butt

You may notice that your butt has lost its shape and definition as you age. A flat butt may also result from genetics or external factors. Generally speaking, your body fat percentage will correlate to your butt size. Those who exercise on a regular basis develop a more toned and voluminous butt. There are several procedures that can improve the tone and volume of your butt. A visit to Dr. Cho and Dr. Climov at Integrated Aesthetics will give you the opportunity to find out about various buttock enhancement options. They will make a recommendation based on your specific concerns. 

Candidates for a butt enhancement procedure should be in general good health and at their desired weight. Before committing to a procedure, you should be able to dedicate enough time to the healing process and recovery. The butt enhancement procedure can provide permanent results.

Causes of a Flat Bottom

Genetics and the natural aging process can cause a flat butt. While there is nothing you can do about genetics and aging, a sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to lengthening and weakening gluteus maximus muscles over time. Sitting is a major culprit. If you sit for long hours, your hip is flexed and your gluteus maximus is stretched out.

Preventing a Flat Butt

It may help prevent a flat butt if you get up and walk around for 10 minutes after sitting for one hour. You can also do exercises like squats, lunge presses, fire hydrant lifts and leg lifts.

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Treatment Options for a Flat Butt

A butt enhancement treatment can improve the shape, size, tone and volume of your buttocks.

  • Butt Augmentation is a general term for various enhancements like lifting surgeries, implants and fat transfers.
  • Brazilian Butt Lift is a popular cosmetic body contouring procedure that involves taking unwanted liposuctioned fat from other parts of the body and injecting it into the buttocks for enhanced contour and volume. The procedure can make your butt rounder, higher and fuller without the use of implants.
  • Butt Augmentation with Implants is commonly used for people who are muscular and do not have excess fat to transfer for a Brazilian butt lift.
  • EmSculpt uses high-intensity electromagnetic waves to stimulate muscle contractions in order to build muscle.
  • Sculptra is a highly effective dermal filler that can be used to enhance the shape and projection of your butt with extreme precision.

Shrink, Tighten, and Tone
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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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