You’ve tried all there is to try. Exercising. Every diet imaginable. Calorie counters are used to keep track of how many calories are consumed. Apps for working out. It’s all up to you!
It just seems that no matter what approach you use, you can’t manage to get rid of that stubborn fat that likes to hang out in places like your midsection, upper arms, chin, and other parts of your body. You’re exhausted. Exhausted. Exasperated.
CoolSculpting has been proven to be both safe and effective.
Noninvasive. Nonsurgical. Safe and efficient. Fat loss that is permanent. Does it seem too good to be true? Welcome to CoolSculpting’s amazing world. What used to seem like science fiction has become a daily reality because to advances in technology.
CoolSculpting, or cryolipolysis, uses low temperatures and freezing to freeze the body’s cells in order to permanently remove resistant subcutaneous fat. CoolSculpting has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as a safe and effective medical procedure.
Over two million CoolSculpting procedures have been conducted globally to date. More than 40 peer-reviewed journals have published studies supporting the treatment’s safety. According to scholarly papers, the operation has an 86 percent patient satisfaction rate, and cosmetic surgery review sites have an 83 percent “worth it” rating.
Who is a Good CoolSculpting Candidate?
Is CoolSculpting the right procedure for me? At our medical spa, we get calls and walk-ins with this same issue every day. Who is a good CoolSculpting candidate?
The moniker “Cool-Sculpting” is an easy way to remember the procedure’s genuine function. It’s worth noting that the word sculpting means to form or carve. CoolSculpting is used to sculpt a body that is already toned by reducing subcutaneous fat (fat beneath the skin). The technique isn’t designed to get rid of visceral fat, which is found deeper in the body and surrounding the organs.
CoolSculpting has produced fantastic results for thousands of people, but it is not for everyone. CoolSculpting is designed to get rid of stubborn fat that refuses to budge despite diet and exercise. The “muffin top” (fat bulges at the waist that appear to “spill” over the waistband of pants), persistent belly fat, the “baby pouch” (additional fat that lingers after a pregnancy), “love handles”, over-the-bra fat, the “double-chin” appearance, and other regions are also targets for this type of fat.
Do you truly want to know if it’s the correct choice for you? The best way to find out is to set up a no-obligation consultation with our knowledgeable team! However, there are a few indicators that you might be a suitable candidate for CoolSculpting:
- You’re getting close to your goal weight.
- You’re sick of battling stubborn fat.
- You appear to be in good health.
- You’re not expecting a child or attempting to conceive.
- You can “pinch an inch” of fat in the area or more.
- You’re well-informed on the procedure.
What Is CoolSculpting and How Does It Work?
Perhaps you’ve heard on the grapevine that there’s a non-surgical fat reduction therapy that’s permanent. Perhaps you’ve been hearing from pals on social media about how well CoolSculpting has worked for them. You’re reading this post today to learn more about CoolSculpting, regardless of what you know or have heard about it. We’ll start from the beginning and give you the inside scoop.
The CoolSculpting treatment was developed by Dieter Manstein of Massachusetts General Hospital and Rox Anderson of Harvard Medical School. Children who ate popsicles developed dimples as a result of little pockets of fat cells being exposed to the freezing temperatures, according to a study conducted by these two experts years ago. The fact that the skin and surrounding tissue were not injured as a result of the procedure was a revelation in the world of lipo surgery. Rather, the fat cells were the only ones who were harmed.
Cryolipolysis research, which was first done on pigs, led to the creation of safe and effective CoolSculpting for people.
Expectations During CoolSculpting
Bring a book, your phone, or your favorite crossword puzzle to read as we freeze the fat away! Literally! Because CoolSculpting is so delicate, patients only experience minor pain.
Our qualified practitioner will use a particular tool to bring the cells in a specific portion of the body to freezing temperatures during the process. These cells crystallize and die when they are frozen. The deceased fat cells are drained out of the body via the liver after the treatment. Because it is nonsurgical and noninvasive, you can return to work and your normal activities right away.
The duration of the operation varies based on the location of the body that is being treated. The majority of treatments, however, take about 35 minutes per region of the body, while bigger sections take between 35 and 60 minutes.
After the CoolSculpting Treatment, What Should You Expect?
After the fat cells have calcified and perished as a result of the treatment, your body will naturally eliminate them as they are processed via the liver. Remember that this treatment isn’t meant to be a weight-loss solution; rather, it’s a noninvasive technique to lower the amount of subcutaneous fat in problematic regions.
CoolSculpting results take time to appear because the body needs time to remove the dead cells. Instead, most patients should expect to see effects in as little as one month. Approximately three months after the surgery, the ultimate results are usually visible.
Patients can expect a reduction of fat in the treated area of up to 20% to 25%. You may choose to undergo many treatments in various parts of your body to reduce the stubborn fat you’ve been battling with in order to achieve your shaping goals. Also, keep in mind that the number of treatments required to achieve your specific goals is highly dependent on your starting physique and metabolic rate.
CoolSculpting’s Potential Side Effects
The majority of CoolSculpting side effects are limited to localized reactions, such as:
- Bruising, swelling, or redness
- Aching, stinging, or pain
- Pain that comes on slowly
PAH stands for paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, which is a progressive increase of the treatment region caused by an undesirable reactive response in the fatty tissue that induces growth rather than cell disintegration. PAH is a disease with a very low incidence rate.
Liposuction isn’t the same as CoolSculpting.
CoolSculpting is a clinical fat reduction technique, similar to liposuction. The fat cells are permanently eliminated, similar to liposuction. CoolSculpting produces results that are equivalent to liposuction. CoolSculpting, on the other hand, is not liposuction. Don’t get the two mixed up.
One is a procedure that removes fat cells from the body (liposuction). The other is a non-surgical procedure for permanent fat loss that is less expensive and extremely successful (CoolSculpting).
Liposuction is a more effective alternative if you need to remove a significant quantity of weight and fat. If you simply need to eliminate stubborn subcutaneous fat, CoolSculpting is a better alternative than liposuction because it is nonsurgical and noninvasive.