Following your breast augmentation, follow the aftercare guidelines to avoid issues and have a comfortable and quick recovery. We’ll give you with detailed information at every stage of the healing process to ensure your safety and the finest potential outcomes. While our simple instructions are sufficient, it’s never a bad idea to have a little more knowledge.

The general steps for a successful recovery are listed here. At Aesthetx, however, each patient’s breast augmentation (as well as the recuperation procedure) is completely unique. It’s critical that you read and follow your doctor’s post-operative care instructions carefully. During your initial appointment, our board-certified surgeons can address any questions you may have concerning your procedure or the post-operative process.

Instructions for Post-Breast-Implant Surgery

The major priorities during the first few days after surgery are to rest, relax, listen to your body, and treat yourself. You’ll need a friend or family member to help you do basic duties for at least the first 24 to 48 hours. Then all you have to do is follow the aftercare instructions and watch your body repair itself.

Medications to Take After the Surgery

The most severe discomfort is experienced during the initial healing phase. Nausea, swelling, discomfort, and muscular cramping are some of the symptoms that patients may experience. We’ll offer you with all of the meds you’ll need to ensure your comfort and a quick recovery.

Following surgery, nausea aftercare begins right away. The majority of breast implant procedures are performed as outpatient procedures under general anaesthetic. After surgery, you’ll most likely be able to go home soon. Some individuals will feel nausea and vomiting when their anesthetic wears off.

For the first 24 to 48 hours, we’ll give you anti-nausea medication, which you should take every six hours.


Patients may feel some pain or discomfort in the surgical location after the anaesthetic has worn off. This is a sign that the body is repairing itself. You’ll be prescribed pain medicine to ensure your comfort. However, for best outcomes, we recommend using cold compresses and over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Patients might use the lowest dose of prescription pain medication if they are still feeling significant pain during the early healing phase. It is critical to avoid alcohol while taking pain medicine, as doing so can be harmful and cause liver damage. Long-term pain medication use might cause constipation in certain people, in which case over-the-counter stool softeners can be quite useful.

Finally, avoid any aspirin-containing goods because aspirin is a blood thinner that might impede the healing process by interfering with blood coagulation.

Cramping Muscles

Muscle relaxants will be provided to patients to help with muscle pains and cramps. Following breast implant surgery, it’s typical to experience neck, back, chest, or shoulder discomfort. To avoid excessive sleepiness, take a muscle relaxant at least an hour after taking pain medicine.


You’ll also be given an antibiotic prescription to take for the duration of your initial recovery. This aids in the prevention of infection at the surgical site as well as a healthy recovery.

What Should You Do and What Shouldn’t You Do?

We strongly advise patients to sit, stand, and walk around by the night of the operation day after their breast implant surgery. Blood clots are prevented and the body’s mending systems are triggered by gentle movements. For the first several days, you should avoid any exercise that is more intense than walking.

The range of motion of the patient’s arms should be limited as well. Lifting oneself or sustaining your entire weight in bed falls under this category. Lifting objects weighing more than five pounds is likewise prohibited. It’s critical for patients with little children to have someone at home to assist them. Most patients who have followed their aftercare instructions can return to work and other daily activities by the end of the first week, provided their employment does not require vigorous exertion.

Before you resume strenuous activities, you must first obtain your surgeon’s consent. At each follow-up appointment, we’ll make sure to let you know what’s right.

Sleeping on your back for a few weeks will give you the best results. Start practicing this a few months before surgery, if possible, to ensure a smooth transition.

We’ll walk you through bathing, bandaging, and wearing surgical bras in detail. When it’s time to take off your wound coverings, your surgeon will let you know. You can shower and gently pat dry the remaining steri-strip bandages once these have been removed. To reduce the danger of infection, swimming, hot tubs, and baths will be prohibited for several weeks.

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