Is hair restoration painful?
Everyone is aware of the benefits of having a hair transplant, but it is often prudent to thoroughly investigate the type of procedure involved. At Integrated Aesthetics, we offer a range of different options, some of which are non-surgical and hair transplantations using the Neograft system.
As a company, we strongly commit to ensuring that every client makes an informed decision about the type of treatment they receive, which is why we take the time and effort to discuss the various options we provide. After all, once the decision to have a hair transplant has been made, the path to completion can still be quite concerning for some people. One of the most frequent questions our clients ask us is, “Is Hair Restoration Painful?”
What is hair restoration, and what does it involve?
The best way to describe hair restoration is as a revolutionary procedure that can help anyone suffering from balding or thinning hair to resolve the issue and end up with a natural-looking full head of hair.
How does the Neograft system work??
The Neograft system involves individual follicular unit extraction (or FUE) from the back of the head, often referred to as the donor area. Genetically, that region of the head is programmed to resist the hormone responsible for hair loss. It is virtually impossible for anyone to notice that hair has been removed from this area within approximately one week.
Once the follicular units (or grafts) have been removed, they are separated and prepared for transplantation. While this is taking place, minuscule holes are made in the recipient site, primarily where the balding or thinning is taking place. Once everything has been prepared, the grafts are then individually placed into the recipient site.
Is Neograft hair restoration painful?
The good news is that the pain most patients feel is minimal and that there is barely any pain during the procedure itself. The most pain is experienced during the injection of the anesthesia into the scalp. However, even though the pain is relatively mild, our team of professionals has many years of experience in these techniques. Any pain felt will last for less than a minute as the area quickly becomes numb. When the treatment is performed, the scalp is numb so that the patient will feel no pain. Upon completion of the procedure, some patients describe pain from the donor site, similar to sunburn, which lasts for a few days.
Although there is very little pain experienced by patients who choose the Neograft option, some are more interested in our other non-surgical alternatives