Male enhancement can be life-changing for many men, and we offer advanced options to increase the length and girth of your penis at our plastic surgery centers in The Woodlands and Spring, TX. In this blog, we explain two popular male enhancement options—dermal fillers and fat transfer—and discuss their benefits, potential drawbacks, and how they can be combined with other treatments to create a treatment plan that is right for you.

Reasons Men Choose Male Enhancement

There are many personal reasons men choose male enhancement such as:

  • Boosting Confidence: Male enhancement can help men feel more secure and improve their confidence in various aspects of life.
  • Improving Sexual Satisfaction: Enhancements can lead to greater satisfaction in romantic relationships.
  • Addressing Age-Related Changes: As men age, some seek ways to regain vitality and the functionality of their bodies.
  • Correcting Physical Concerns: Issues like uneven proportions or discomfort may be addressed through male enhancement.
  • Aesthetic Enhancement: Similar to other cosmetic procedures, male enhancement can help achieve your desired appearance.

Dermal Filler vs. Fat Transfer

Both dermal filler and fat transfer are viable and effective options for male enhancement. However, it’s necessary to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each to make the most informed decision.

Male Enhancement with Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvéderm or Restylane are injected into the shaft of the penis to improve girth. This minimally invasive procedure offers immediate results and requires little downtime.


  • Non-surgical
  • Minimal downtime so you can return to normal activities quickly
  • Quick procedure (typically under an hour)
  • Immediate results that are natural-looking and reversible
  • Easy to add more in future sessions if additional enhancement is desired
  • Low risk of complications


  • Temporary results (~1 year), requiring repeat treatments
  • Mild swelling or bruising may occur immediately after treatment
  • Potential for side effects like infection or uneven results
  • Cost can add up over time
  • Does not address length or firmness

Male Enhancement with Fat Transfer

During a fat transfer procedure, your surgeon harvests fat from areas like the abdomen or flanks. After carefully processing it to preserve high-quality fat, they inject the fat into the penis to enhance girth. Fat transfer provides longer-lasting results, but requires more recovery time.


  • Near-permanent results for long-lasting enhancement
  • Uses your own natural fat, reducing the risk of complications
  • Dual benefits of fat reduction from the donor area, thanks to liposuction
  • No maintenance needed once you are satisfied with the result


  • Surgical procedure with required healing and downtime
  • Temporary swelling and bruising after the procedures
  • Not all transferred fat survives, leading to potential volume loss
  • Possibility of lumps or uneven results
  • Higher procedure costs
  • May require multiple sessions for significant enhancement

Both procedures have their advantages and limitations, so it is important to consult with a qualified provider to make the right choice for your needs.

Combining Treatments for Maximum Results

Both dermal fillers and fat transfer can deliver impressive results on their own, but combining them with additional treatments can enhance the outcome further. Consider these options:

Ligament Release

This permanent surgical procedure increases length by cutting the ligament that attaches the penis to the pelvic bone, allowing it to extend outward and appear longer. This procedure typically adds about half an inch to one inch in length.

PRF Injections (P-Shot)

These injections can be combined with fillers or fat transfer to improve blood flow, enhancing the quality and sustainability of erections.

Acoustic Shock Wave Therapy (Z-Wave)

A treatment that improves blood flow by delivering painless radial waves to the penis, which can also be used before or after male enhancement procedures. The P-Shot and Z-Wave treatments combined provide excellent results.


Emsella is a non-invasive option using electromagnetic technology to strengthen men’s pelvic floor muscles, leading to firmer erections, increased sensitivity, and enhanced sexual confidence.


The injection of Botox or other muscle relaxers can enhance blood flow to the penile shaft for better quality and longer-lasting erections.

Deciding If Male Enhancement Is Right for You

Male enhancement treatments may be the ideal solution if you would like to improve the size and functionality of your penis. Whether you are interested in dermal fillers, fat transfer, or a combination of treatments, our team will explain the options and recommend the best approach for you.

If you are ready to begin your male enhancement journey or would like to learn more, schedule a consultation with one of our expert providers at Integrated Aesthetics by calling (281) 404-5454.

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