1. Is it worthwhile to invest in a mother makeover?
  2. What is the most difficult aspect of the mommy makeover procedure?
  3. What does a mommy makeover cost in Atlanta?
  4. How long does it take to recuperate after a mommy makeover?
  5. Will having more children jeopardize my mommy makeover?

Is it worthwhile to invest in a mother makeover?

To be honest, only you can answer this question, however I can provide some advice based on my experience and comments from my own patients. A mommy makeover is all about regaining confidence and comfort in your appearance, as well as embracing your body. It’s not about “appearing flawless” or even obtaining some type of idealized image imposed from without. My goal is to listen to a patient’s goals and then collaborate with her to make the improvements she desires. These frequently include:

  • Having firm, sag-free breasts that look wonderful in apparel
  • Stretched or big nipples and areolas should be reduced.
  • Getting rid of the excess skin around the waistline
  • Getting a waistline that can be seen!
  • Getting rid of stubborn fat pockets
  • Tightening sagging labia or strained vaginal tissues
  • Getting rid of stress incontinence
  • Increasing sex comfort and sensation

With a mommy makeover, a qualified plastic surgeon can help you attain all of these goals, believe it or not. Furthermore, these changes—and the resulting gain in comfort and confidence—can endure for years or even decades, especially if you are no longer pregnant (more on that below).

What is the most difficult aspect of the mommy makeover procedure?

Although it varies from person to person, there are two common themes I hear. For starters, many women claim it’s because of the recuperation. Second, there are costs. Both are, thankfully, resolvable.


I’ll start with the topic of recuperation. It takes time, and depending on the treatments you have, you will be restricted in your activities, particularly during the first three or four weeks following surgery. While pain may usually be managed with medication, many mothers find it difficult to pick up their children or assist them as much as they would like. I have two suggestions for you.

First and foremost, seek assistance. Some women are fortunate to have Grandma eager to step in and help, but if you don’t, chat to friends and see if they can cover for you, especially at critical moments like when your children need to get ready for school. You can also plan to exchange childcare—if your friends can help you with your kids, you can return the favor when they want to go away for the weekend or get their own mommy makeover. Second, if you and your children are generally inseparable, think outside the box when it comes to bonding during recuperation. Request that they join you in bed (but not on you!) and tell you stories or watch a cartoon marathon with you. Allow them to assist you by replenishing your water and retrieving items you require. Just make sure they understand that you need to be treated with particular caution while you recover! Kisses are fine, but bear hugs are strictly forbidden.


Let’s talk about charges now, because for some people, this is the most difficult component. There are numerous patient financing alternatives available, and many plastic surgery practices (including mine) will assist you in applying for and obtaining financing.

Keep your eyes on the prize with reminders to save ahead (or save for a down payment). Print out a couple before and after photographs of mommy makeover patients who looked similar to you in the before photos and post them somewhere you’ll see them every day to remind you to avoid making any unnecessary expenditures. Also, keep in mind that the items you buy now will most likely not suit your new, improved form, so you might as well put your shopping on hold and save for your new look instead.

While having many treatments on the same day can save you money, if multiple surgeries (such as a breast lift and a tummy tuck) are simply too expensive for you to finance all at once, consider breaking them up over a few years. Address your most pressing worry first, and you’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment as you pay off that operation. After a single surgery, you may require less time off work, which can help with affordability in the near run.

What does a mommy makeover cost?

Because mommy makeovers are completely customized to the needs of each patient, prices vary greatly. If you merely get a breast lift, for example, your overall costs will be substantially lower than if you had a stomach tuck and labiaplasty in addition to the breast lift.

One benefit of a mommy makeover with many operations is that you only have to pay operating room and anesthesiologist fees once, potentially saving you thousands of dollars over having two or more separate surgeries (you’ll also save time by only having one recovery). Let’s take a look at a common mommy makeover procedure combination: breast lift with augmentation and tummy tuck. A breast lift with augmentation costs around $10,800, while a stomach tuck costs around $7,000. The cost of this combination mommy makeover surgery is expected to be in the range of $14,000 to $17,000.

How long does it take to recuperate after a mommy makeover?

The amount of downtime you’ll require is determined by the processes you’ll be performing. If your mommy makeover simply includes breast surgery, you may only need 5 to 10 days off work. A tummy tuck will take 2 to 3 weeks to recover from. You will require full-time child care during this initial recuperation phase, as you will be unable to carry anything heavier than 5 to 10 pounds or perform any heavy play or housekeeping tasks. Driving is not permitted until you are no longer taking prescription pain relievers and can comfortably use a seat belt.

Taking time off for recovery may feel difficult, even ridiculous (take time, you say?). First and foremost, I must locate it!). I understand—ask your plastic surgeon if you have any questions! They can advise you on how long you should leave your children with an adult following surgery, as well as recommend trustworthy home health care or babysitting services if you wish to employ someone. As your rehabilitation develops, they will also advise you which activities are acceptable and which are not.

Will having more children jeopardize my mommy makeover?

Although “ruin” is a strong word, future pregnancies are likely to erase some of the gains obtained with a mommy makeover, which is designed to repair pregnancy-related affects after all. Your tummy and breasts will extend out, just as they did before, and may not contract all the way back to their normal state. As a result, I usually advise women to put off substantial lifting or skin removal surgeries, such as a breast lift or stomach tuck, until after they’ve completed having children.

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